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【轉知】Webinars Aléas-IFCU : Governance and Risk Management (in English and French )

發布日期 2021-03-03 09:35:00

【轉知】Webinars Aléas-IFCU : Governance and Risk Management (in English and French )


* Organizer:ALÉAS AND IFCU (International Federation of Catholic Universities)

* Theme:Governance and Risk Management

* Time: 2021/03/16(Tuesday)
IN ENGLISH – 9:00 PM(TAIWAN) / 9:00 AM (Toronto, New York)
IN FRENCH –11:00 PM (TAIWAN) / 11:00 AM (Toronto, New York)

* Register:https://reurl.cc/ZQeykQ

As part of its strategic partnership, Aléas and the International Federation of Catholic Universities are launching a series of webinars on risk management in international mobility.

A first appointment is given to all members of the IFCU-International Federation of Catholic Universities.



※If you register for this webinar, please also report your attendance upon the inquiry of your department to help school data collection of international exchange. Thank you.



國際暨兩岸合作處 敬上
Office of International and Cross-Strait Cooperation