10/05/2017.第二屆國際週姊妹校博覽會開幕式 周守民校長致辭全文
發布日期 2017-10-05 15:17:00
文藻外語大學公告 |
中華民國106年10月05日發稿 |
Dear Sisters, ladies and gentlemen, Deans, faculty, colleagues and students:
Today marks the opening of our second annual International Festival. Although last year, was only a one day event, this year we have turned it into a four day International Week. I would like to thank previous Dean Kit Lam, who came up with the idea of International Day when she was the Dean of International and Cross-strait Cooperation and current Dean Lucia Yang, from the Office of International and Cross-strait Cooperation for all the work she has put into expanding this program and transforming it into an International Week. I would also like to give a big thank you to Manager Cathy Liao for developing this four day educational program and providing consultation, lectures and insightful experience.
Taiwan has recently been receiving fewer students from the PRC and therefore many schools have been tremendously impacted by it. However, Wenzao has been particularly fortunate and has seen its Chinese student numbers increase. We are grateful that God has so graciously blessed us with so many international students that have come from 35 countries. In 2015, we had 163 international students enrolled to complete their degrees at Wenzao and in 2016 those numbers increased to 222. This year our degree programs now include 289 international students.
Currently, Wenzao has 250 sister schools that are located in 35 countries. Over the past two years, we have had the honor to participate in a substantial number of exchanges with 160 of them. In 2015, Wenzao enrolled 382 international students for Chinese language learning programs and 147 overseas students came for short term exchanges. In 2016, 349 international students came for Chinese language programs and 134 international students participated in short term exchanges. Since the beginning of this academic year, we have already served 96 international students in Chinese language learning programs and 98 international students that have come for short term exchanges.
In 2015, 800 Taiwanese students went overseas to participate in international exchanges, internships or other international programs. In 2016, these numbers again increased to 1105. Since the beginning of this year, we have had 350 Taiwanese students participate in overseas international programs. We are thankful for all our teachers’ hard work and the participation of these students. It is because of you, over the past several years, Wenzao has been able to produce such fantastic exchange and international programs.
When people come through Wenzao’s front gate, they see the slogan: Wenzao, your key to the world. Our mission is to create more international opportunities and interactions for our students, which allows them to converge with the world. Our teachers also understand that facilitating this is also an important part of their job. I too believe that if you can only speak one language then you will only have a limited international perspective. Therefore, our students and teachers must strive to open their minds and gain a greater understanding of the world. Having the opportunity to see the world is one thing, however having cultural intelligence is another. It is much more important to be able to understand foreign cultures, politics, economics and even how people live their lives from day to day. One example of this can be seen in how Toyota carried out its recent recruitment interviews in China, the Middle East and other Asian countries. They were looking for two-hundred eighty young people who would go to Japan for management training. During the interviews, candidates had to answer questions regarding the world’s geopolitical situation, sports and international events etc. The interview also tested candidates’ cross-cultural knowledge, with questions that asked them to identify different cultures and to provide a description of relevant values and traditions.
In different cultures it is important to understand how others communicate. Cultural intelligence includes understanding body language and accents, what are appropriate discussion topics and proper language to use in different cultures. They should also understand cultural taboos and other aspects that could cause embarrassment or misunderstandings. Cultural intelligence would also include understanding countries’ various ethnicities, industries, family structures and cultural personalities. Even the communication in relationships between teachers and students vary from culture to culture.
Finally, I would like to thank members from Kaohsiung City Government who have come out to join our festivities such as Senior Executive Officer, Chang Fu-Feng and Officer Hou Yu. In the future, I hope Kaohsiung City Government will continue to give Wenzao’s students more chances to participate in municipal partnerships and services. These types of opportunities can be a life changing experience for our students. I would also like to thank many of our Ursuline Sisters for coming out and participating in many of the activities over the next four days.
Thanks again for finding the time to participate. This year we are even having a draw with some nice prizes. I myself have donated a 3,000 NT bookstore voucher. I wish you all good luck in winning these great awards. I hope that you all find it an exciting and meaningful experience. Again Wenzao greatly appreciates everyone’s participation and I truly want to thank you all for being here.
Thank you!