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發布日期 2018-09-17 17:19:00

各位老師 您們好:

轉知UMAP Program提供之赴菲律賓塔拉克農業大學擔任講學教師訊息,擔任講學教師期間由對方學校補助全額住宿,並提供膳雜費PhP 10,000/兩週、PhP 20,000/月;同時亦可依本校研發處「補助教師參加國內外學術研討(習)會」辦法申請補助機票(東南亞$20,000上限)。有意申請的老師,敬請與國合處合作交流組聯繫(#2612、2613),謝謝!



Dear Partner,
Please advertise to your students to apply for a regular exchange program at TAU. Aside from free tuition, we also offer accommodation scholarship (50% discount) to your students. Accommodation arrangements may vary depending on their affordability.
We also welcome any of your staff who would like to serve as visiting lecturer at TAU. For visiting lecturers, we provide free accommodation and allowance of PhP 10,000 for two weeks and PhP 20,000 for one month.
Please share the link below.